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Training Manager BB Chennai

3 years ago   Banking   Chennai   404 views Reference: 16269
Job Details

Location: Tamil Nadu, India

Organization: Financial Services

Job Description:

1) Job Purpose: Write the purpose for which the job exists (in 2-3 lines) (Max 1325 Characters)

To impart training to FLS & USMs in order to upgrade there job knowledge through the induction and develop there

skills through interventions periodically in the areas of recruitment and selling skills workshops, which would impact

the territory’s productivity

2) Dimensions: Mention quantitative or qualitative parameters that are relevant for the job and provide a better understanding of the scope and scale of the job.

Business Workforce Number

(Max 254 Characters) 50

Unit Workforce Number

(Max 254 Characters) 50

Function Workforce Number

(Max 254 Characters) 50

Department Workforce Number

(Max 254 Characters) 50

Other Quantitative and Important

Parameters for the job: Budgets/

Volumes/No. of Products/Geography/

Markets/ Customers or any other parameter Chennai HDFC banks – tele vertical.

3) Job Context & Major Challenges: Write the specific aspects of the job that provide a challenge (internal and external) to the jobholder in the context of the Business/Unit/Function/Department/Section ((Max 3975 Characters)

Key Challenges for the role –

· Getting trainees (especially advisors) in the training room as they are not on the payrolls of the company

and are not willing to invest time to up bring their capabilities.

· The span being large (i.e. 1:6) the frequency of training is being affected.

· Geographical distribution

· Training infrastructure

· Insufficient Training enablers

4) Key Result Areas: Write the key results expected from the job and the supporting actions for each of these key result areas (For a majority of jobs typically there could be 4- 7 key result areas)- Maximum 10 KRAs can be updated

Key Result Areas (Max 1325 Characters) Supporting Actions (Max 1325 Characters)

Implementation and coverage of training architecture to 1. Conduct all training programs as per architecture for employees

ensure desired learning to happen 2. Conduct variety of training programs as per varied and periodic need of distributors Ensure timely updates in STMS for right record keeping

Support sales team in building engagement

& mind share with distributors 1. Engage with distributors to identify gaps & opportunities. Link them with BSLI objectives and provide learning interventions to build mind share 2. Support with insights on competitive products Ensure timely updates in STMS for record keeping

Product launches 1. Ensure product launches with speed and accuracy to build understanding and enthusiasm around new products

Focus constantly on Self development and invest in skill

enhancement. 2. E learning course of Aditya Disha per quarter 3. Initiate professional course as part of role development and complete them on timely basis Participate in Projects (if any) assigned and undertaken by the TPD training team

5) Job Purpose of Direct Reports: Describe the job purpose of the direct report/s to the job (in 2-3 lines for each report)


6) Relationships: Describe the nature and purpose of most important contacts or relationship (except superior/team members) with individuals, departments, organizations inside and outside of the organization, that job is required to interact with in order to deliver the job objectives

Relationship Type (Max 80

Characters) Frequency Nature (Max 1325 Characters)


Sales Regular For daily updates. Training related activities To update about training interventions To impart training & upgrading there knowledge


Channel partners

Consultant Trainers Daily Daily To impart training & upgrading there knowledge To upgrade there training skills & discuss about the training calendar.

7) Organizational Relationships: Provide the structure for a level above and below the position for which this job description is written. Use position titles in the structured and indicate all the reports of the position.


Other Degree

Minimum Experience Level:

3-8 Years

Interested candidates Click on below link Apply Online and you will be redirected to Career Page of Company or Career url.

Company Description
Aditya Birla GroupA US $48.3 billion Dollar CompanyIn the League of Fortune 500A force of over 120,000 employees4th in the world and 1st in Asia Pacific in the 'Top Companies for Leaders' study 2011 (conducted by Aon Hewitt, Fortune Magazine and RBL)Topped the Nielsen's Corporate Image Monitor 2014-15 and emerged as the number one corporate (Best in Class) for the 3rd consecutive year