Sales Consultant
3 years ago Marketing & Communication Hyderabad 379 views Reference: 13733Job Details
Responsibilities & Key Deliverables
To collate data from all clusters and compile the same to get the national picture of sales.To analyze the data and use various statistical tools like trend analysis to assist decision making for top management.To ensure operationalization of strategic initiatives in the field and the dealership.To make forecasts based on an in-depth understanding of changing trends in customer preferences.Using a knowledge of the sales process to streamline support activities in order to minimize constraints faced.Leveraging IT proactively to create a seamless interface for entire team.Working with multiple 3rd party and internal interfaces in order to ensure timely meeting of commitments while creating a win-win situation for all parties involved.Working with internal team in order to create developmental opportunities for team members and also smoothly resolving conflicts that emerge.Responsible for timely settlements of dealer claims.Responsible for end to end management of Sales MIS, coordination for periodic reviews and support in terms of presentations to be made to upper management.Primary SPOC for Business Excellence related activities such as internal audits, MEM etc.Responsible for developing and implementing incentive scheme for dealers as well as internal Sales team.