2 years ago Marketing & Communication Bengaluru 275 views Reference: 18300Job Details
- Job number 965478
Responsibilities include identifying and framing research problems, studying users and communities to identify pain-points and needs, coming up with innovative solutions, collaborating with Microsoft product groups and other external partners to deploy and scale research protypes and artefacts in real-word contexts and evaluating the efficacy of the ideas, engaging with the academic community, publishing research ideas in leading peer-reviewed conferences and journals, mentoring young students and training them for research careers.
Successful candidates will have a Ph.D. in computer science or related disciplines, and a well-established research track record. Applicants should demonstrate leadership in their field as evidenced by high quality publications, and a track record for innovations that are commensurate with their experience and seniority. Candidates must also be able to collaborate effectively with other researchers and product development teams. We are particularly interested in candidates who can work across disciplinary boundaries.