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Research Associate

3 years ago   Medical & Healthcare   New Delhi   683 views Reference: 9779
Job Details

All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national importance by an Act of Parliament with the objects to develop patterns of teaching in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Medical Education in all its branches so as to demonstrate a high standard of Medical Education in India; to bring together in one place educational facilities of the highest order for the training of personnel in all important branches of health activity; and to attain self-sufficiency in Post-graduate Medical Education. The Institute has comprehensive facilities for teaching, research and patient-care. As provided in the Act, AIIMS conducts teaching programs in medical and para-medical courses both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and awards its own degrees. Teaching and research are conducted in 42 disciplines. In the field of medical research AIIMS is the lead, having more than 600 research publications by its faculty and researchers in a year.

The following temporary/contractual post in the ICMR Funded research project is available in the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at AIIMS, New Delhi.

The submission of application by candidates with detailed CV’s may be sent to Mr. Sanjay Kumar latest by June 15, 2021 at the following address:

Mr. Sanjay Kumar, Private Secretary to HOD, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism Convergence Block, 7th Floor, Room No.7002, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029.

Company Description
Creating a country imbued with a scientific culture was Jawaharlal Nehru's dream, and immediately after independence he prepared a grand design to achieve it. Among the temples of modern India which he designed, was a centre of excellence in the medical sciences. Nehru's dream was that such a centre would set the pace for medical education and research in Southeast Asia , and in this he had the wholehearted support of his Health Minister, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur.