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Junior Assistant Fresher's job

4 years ago   Public Service   Mumbai   812 views Reference: 4534
Job Details

NITIE Mumbai Recruitment 2021: Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) invites applications for recruitment/ empanelment of following manpower purely on contract basis for deployment in National Institute of Industrial Engineering, (NITIE),Mumbai. The last date for submission of applications is 17th January 2021.

Name of the PostNo of Vacancy
Library Intern03
Web Designer and Developer01
Network Engineer01
Junior Engineer (Civil/ Maintenance)01
Junior Engineer (Electrical)01
Fire Safety Supervisor01
Assistant Sports and Fitness Executive01
Physical Fitness Trainer01
Associate Physical Fitness Trainer02
Personal Assistant02
Account Executive02
Data Entry Operator/ Junior Assistant04

Age Limit:

✔️ DEO / Junior Assistant - 30 years
✔️ Personal Assistant / Associate Physical Fitness Trainer - 40 years
✔️ Physical Fitness Trainer - 45 years
✔️ For all other posts - 35 years


✔️ Library Intern: ₹ 25,000/- per month
✔️ Programmer: ₹ 40,000/- per month
✔️ Web Designer and Developer: ₹ 40,000/- per month
✔️ Network Engineer: ₹ 35,000 to ₹ 40,000/- per month
✔️ Junior Engineer (Civil/ Maintenance): ₹ 35,000 to ₹ 40,000/- per month
✔️ Junior Engineer (Electrical): ₹ 35,000 to ₹ 40,000/- per month
✔️ Fire Safety Supervisor: ₹ 35,000 to ₹ 40,000/- per month
✔️ Assistant Sports and Fitness Executive: ₹ 55,000/- per month
✔️ Physical Fitness Trainer: ₹ 25,000 to ₹ 30,000/- per month
✔️ Associate Physical Fitness Trainer: ₹ 18,000 to ₹ 20,000/- per month
✔️ Personal Assistant: ₹ 30,000/- per month
✔️ Account Executive: ₹ 30,000/- per month
✔️ Data Entry Operator/ Junior Assistant: ₹ 20,000/- per month

Educational Qualifications:

✔️ Library Intern: BLISc/ MLISc/Integrated Course in Library and Information Science with minimum 55% marks.

✔️ Programmer: B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering/Information Technology/Electronics & Electrical Communications or MCA or MSC in Computer Sc/’B’ Level DOEACC or equivalent withminimum55% marks. 2 - 3 years relevant experience.

✔️ Web Designer and Developer: B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science/Information Technology or MCA or PGDCA or equivalent from recognized University with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade and consistently good academic record. OR Bachelor of Design (B.Des) or equivalent from recognized University with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade and consistently good academic record. Minimum 2-5 years experience.

✔️ Network Engineer: B.E./ B.Tech. in Computer Science Engineering/ Information Technology/ Electronics & Communication Engineering with minimum 55% marks, or with CGPA of 6 or above in 10-point scale. 2-5 years wor experience. (OR) Three years Diploma in Computer Hardware and Networking from a recognized institute with a minimum 10 years relevant experience in networking.

✔️ Junior Engineer (Civil/ Maintenance): Degree in Engineering in the relevant field with minimum 55% marks. At least 03 years field experience.

✔️ Junior Engineer (Electrical): Degree in Engineering in the relevant field with minimum 55% marks. At least 03 years field experience.

✔️ Fire Safety Supervisor: Govt. approved Degree or Diploma in Fire & Safety Engineering. Minimum 05 years experience.

✔️ Assistant Sports and Fitness Executive: Graduate with Bachelor in Physical Education (B.P. Ed.) or its equivalent with at least 55% marks in the qualifying degree. Minimum 02 years experience.

✔️ Physical Fitness Trainer: Graduate in Physical Education. 2 to 3 years experience.

✔️ Associate Physical Fitness Trainer: Matric with 12thStandard or Intermediate, Higher Secondary School Certificate or equivalent. Minimum 2 to 3 years experience.

✔️ Personal Assistant: Graduate/ Post Graduate with minimum 55% marks. Minimum 4 to 5 years experience.

✔️ Account Executive: Graduate Degree in Finance/ Account or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks.

✔️ Data Entry Operator/ Junior Assistant: Graduate with minimum 55% marks. Some experience in typing with a minimum speed of 30 w.p.m1 year of working experience in PSU Government organization/private institute of repute. Knowledge of Hindi Typing desirable.

Application Fee:

General - ₹ 750/- (₹ 500/-extra for every additional post applied)
OBC - ₹ 750/- (₹ 500/-extra for every additional post applied)
SC/ST - ₹ 450/- (₹ 300/-extra for every additional post applied)
Ex-Serviceman - ₹ 750/- (₹ 500/-extra for every additional post applied)
Women - ₹ 750/- (₹ 500/-extra for every additional post applied)
EWS/PH - ₹ 50/- (₹ 300/-extra for every additional post applied)

Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview.

How to Apply: Eligible Interested candidates apply online only through BECIL Online Registration website @ becilregistration.com. The last date for registration of online applications is 17/01/2021.

Help Desk: For technical problem faced while applying online , For queries other than technical: .

Company Description
National Institute of Industrial Engineering, formerly National Institute for Training in Industrial Engineering, is a public management institute located in Powai near Vihar Lake in Mumbai, and is often ranked among the top 15 B-Schools of India as per NIRF ranking released in 2020.