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ITI Apprentice Fresher's job

4 years ago   Training   Hyderabad   841 views Reference: 6797
Job Details

ITI can Apply for DMRL

Job Openings - Apply Now

DRDO Recruitment 2021-22: Employees State Insurance Corporation (DRDO) announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed ITI for the position of ITI Apprentice. To Apply for the job posting from DRDO, please click on the Apply Now button below.

No of Posts: 30

Selection Procedure: Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

How To Apply:

1. Eligible candidates applications in specified format and along with scanned copies of required certificates/testimonials of 10th Class, ITI, Community Certificate may be send to the e-mail ID mentioned in address on or before . In the subject line of the email "Application for Apprentices- (Trade)" should be written. For example, candidates applying for Fitter should mention "Application for Apprentices- Fitter" in the subject line.

2. Candidates are advised to check their emails periodically and keep the same active during the selection process. Emails submitted without application form will be rejected.

3. Last Date of Application: 31st March, 2021.

General Information

Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL) is situated about 15 Kms from Secunderabad Railway Station and 10 Kms from Hyderabad Railway Station. Bus Nos. 102 from Secunderabad Station to Labs Qtrs, 102 from Public Gardens (Near Hyderabad Railway Station) to Midhani/Keshavagiri, 102A, 102B, 203, 251M, 102M & 102P from Koti, Women’s College to different places ply via DMRL X Roads (alighting point) at frequent intervals

Terms and Conditions for Selection of Apprentices:

Before applying, candidate should read the complete advertisement carefully and ensure that they have fulfilled eligibility criteria and other norms of the post/apprentic...

Interested candidates send your resume to mail id mentioned in address

Company Description
The Defence Research and Development Organisation is an agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military's research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India.