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Hospital Pharmacist Fresher's job

4 years ago   Medical & Healthcare   Hyderabad   756 views Reference: 5995
Job Details

Roles and Responsibilities

As a hospital pharmacist, you'll need to:

  • check prescriptions to make sure there are no errors and that they're appropriate and safe for the individual patient;
  • provide advice on the dosage of medicines and the most appropriate form of medication, for example, tablet, injection, ointment or inhaler;
  • participate in ward rounds to take patient drug histories;
  • liaise with other medical staff on problems patients may experience when taking their medicines;
  • discuss treatments with patients' relatives, community pharmacists and GPs;
  • make sure medicines are stored appropriately and securely;
  • supervise the work of less experienced and less qualified staff;
  • answer questions about medicines from within the hospital, other hospitals and the general public;
  • keep up to date with, and contribute to, research and development;
  • write guidelines for drug use within the hospital and implement hospital regulations;
  • provide information on expenditure on drugs;
  • prepare and quality-check sterile medications, for example, intravenous medications;
  • set up and supervise clinical trials.

When you have substantial experience, you may be involved in teaching, both within the pharmacy department and in other areas of the hospital.


You will need to have:

  • excellent communication skills for dealing with patients and health professionals;
  • the ability to work carefully, methodically and accurately with medicines and doses - this is vital as mistakes could prove fatal;
  • the ability to use scientific knowledge to solve problems;
  • IT skills for recording information;
  • interpersonal skills and a caring and sympathetic manner, as the work usually involves contact with patients on the wards and in outpatient departments;
  • a responsible attitude to work;
  • teamwork skills;
  • general clinical awareness.

Contact - BHAVANA - HR - Number given below

This is a walkin - please walkin to the venue on the dates and timings mentioned in the post.

You can call to the HR on the mobile number given below.

Company Description
Mahavir Hospital and Research Center (A unit of BHAGWAN MAHAVIR MEMORIAL TRUST)