HDFC Bank - Dealer - Derivatives Trading & Structuring/Treasury Fresher's job
4 years ago Marketing & Communication Mumbai 136 views Reference: 3188Job Details
Job Code: 821672
Business Related -
- Pricing and closing derivative deals with counterparty banks.
- Suggesting products to the sales desk for onwards dissemination to clients
- Ensuring in close coordination with Treasury, Analytics, Mid Office and market risk, valuation and system warehousing of complicated and non-standard products requested for by clients.
- Ensuring availability of counterparty limits by coordinating with market risk.
Key skills -
- Derivative Pricing, Market and currency knowledge.
- Mathematical ability, achievement orientation, Teamwork, Initiative, Impact and influencing ability, Relationship Building.
Company Description
Today, HDFC Bank has a banking network of 5,345 branches and 14,533 ATMs spread across 2,787 cities and towns.