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DevOps Engineer

1 year ago   Public Service   Hyderabad   110 views Reference: 33481
Job Details

Role Purpose

The purpose of this role is to work with Application teams anddevelopers to facilitate better coordination amongst operations,development and testing functions by automating and streamlining theintegration and deployment processes


  1. Align and focus on continuous integration (CI) andcontinuous deployment (CD) of technology in applications
    1. Plan and Execute the DevOps pipeline that supports theapplication life cycle across the DevOps toolchain — fromplanning, coding and building, testing, staging, release, configurationand monitoring
    2. Manage the IT infrastructure as per the requirement of thesupported software code
    3. On-board an application on the DevOps tool and configure it asper the clients need
    4. Create user access workflows and provide user access as per thedefined process
    5. Build and engineer the DevOps tool as per the customizationsuggested by the client
    6. Collaborate with development staff to tackle the coding andscripting needed to connect elements of the code that are required torun the software release with operating systems and productioninfrastructure
    7. Leverage and use tools to automate testing & deployment in aDev-Ops environment

  1. Provide customer support/ service on the DevOps tools
    1. Timely support internal & external customers on multipleplatforms
    2. Resolution of the tickets raised on these tools to be addressed& resolved within a specified TAT
    3. Ensure adequate resolution with customer satisfaction
    4. Follow escalation matrix/ process as soon as a resolution getscomplicated or isn’t resolved
    5. Troubleshoot and perform root cause analysis of critical/repeatable issues

Stakeholder Interaction

Stakeholder Type

Stakeholder Identification

Purpose of Interaction


Dev Ops Lead Engineer/ Project Manager

Regular reporting & updates

Application teams/ owners, application developers, releasemanagers

For end to end Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment& Monitoring



To provide optimal support from time to time


Lists the competencies required to perform this role effectively:

  • Functional Competencies/ Skill
    • Leveraging Technology – Knowledge of current and upcomingtechnology (automation, tools and systems) to build efficiencies andeffectiveness in own function/ Client organization – Competent
    • Process Excellence - Ability to follow the standards and norms toproduce consistent results, provide effective control and reduction ofrisk – Expert
    • Technical knowledge – knowledge of various DevOps tools,customization and its implementation at the client site - Expert

Competency Levels


Knowledgeable about the competency requirements. Demonstrates (inparts) frequently with minimal support and guidance.


Consistently demonstrates the full range of the competency withoutguidance. Extends the competency to difficult and unknown situations aswell.


Applies the competency in all situations and is serves as a guide toothers as well.


Coaches others and builds organizational capability in the competencyarea. Serves as a key resource for that competency and is recognisedwithin the entire organization.

Company Description
During the 1970s and 1980s, the company shifted its focus to new opportunities in the IT and computing industry, which was at a nascent stage in India at the time. On 7 June 1977, the name of the company changed from Western India Vegetable Products Limited, to Wipro Products Limited.[8] In 1982, the name was changed again, from Wipro Products Limited to Wipro Limited. In 1999, Wipro was listed on the New York Stock Exchange.[citation needed] In 2004, Wipro became the second Indian IT company to earn US$1 billion in annual revenue.[11]
In 2012, Wipro demerged its non-IT businesses into a separate company called Wipro Enterprises.[12][13][14] Prior to this demerger, these businesses, mainly in the consumer care, lighting, furniture, hydraulics, water treatment, and medical diagnostics, contributed about 10% of Wipro's total revenues.[15][16][17]
In March 2023, Wipro opened its American international Headquarters at Tower Center in East Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey.[1]