Consultant - Microbiology and Infection Control
3 years ago Medical & Healthcare Navi Mumbai 479 views Reference: 15120Job Details
Job Responsibilities:
Skill Sets:
- Excellent domain Knowledge of the specialty including latest techniques and technologies
- Excellent knowledge and experience of Infection Control and Antibiotic Stewardship
- Knowledge of intricacies of Clinical laboratory services and accreditation process
- Strong organizational and interpersonal skills
- Ability to determine appropriate course of action in more complex situations
- Ability to work independently, exercise creativity, be attentive to detail, and maintain a positive attitude
- Ability to manage multiple and simultaneous responsibilities and to prioritize scheduling of work
- Ability to maintain confidentiality of all medical, financial, and legal information
- Ability to complete work assignments accurately and in a timely manner
- Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing
- Ability to handle difficult situations involving patients, physicians, or others in a professional manner
General Responsibilities:
- As a team leader of the designated section or area of work of the Apollo Hospitals laboratory work toward achieving the hospital’s mission of bringing the healthcare of international standards within the reach of every individual
- Assist in overall operations and administration of the laboratory services
- Assist in maintaining the physical and environmental conditions appropriate for the testing performed and an environment safe from physical, chemical and biological hazards
- Assist lab director in compliance with all applicable regulations as per current national guidelines
- Selection of reference laboratories for outsourced tests and monitoring their performance
- Verify that the delegated responsibilities are properly performed
Procedural Responsibilities:
- Undertake, supervise and verify laboratory tests inclusive of Clinical Microbiology tests (conventional, automated), clinical Pathology, immunology and infectious diseases Molecular Biology as per the guidelines of Clinical Establishment Act
- Reporting of tests in any other areas of laboratory as per clinical establishment act
- To shoulder the responsibility of the hospital Infections Control and related activities such as anti-microbial stewardship program, environment surveillance, hospital safety etc.
- Validation of test methods for accuracy, precision, and other pertinent performance characteristics of the method
- Selection of analyzers, reagents, suppliers, calibrators, and control material to ensure quality reports
- Define and fine tune processes to provide high quality laboratory services in the pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic phases of testing
- Ensure that reports of test results are complete, accurate and include pertinent information required for interpretation
- Provide consultation to the laboratory’s clients on matters relating to the quality of the test results reported and their interpretation concerning specific patient conditions
- Ensure that an approved procedure manual is available to all personnel
- Ensure that laboratory personnel are performing the test methods in accordance with protocol
Personnel Responsibilities:
- Employ sufficient number of laboratory personnel with the appropriate education and either experience or training to provide appropriate consultation, properly supervise, and accurately perform tests and report test results
- Ensure that prior to testing patient specimens, all personnel have the appropriate education and experience and receive the appropriate training for the type and complexity of services offered, and have demonstrated that they are competent to process and report accurate results
- Have a competency matrix which specifies the level of activity which each individual in the laboratory is authorized to perform i.e. specimen processing, test performance, result reporting, supervision etc. and whether consultant or director review is required prior to reporting patient test results
- Ensure that policies and procedures are established for monitoring individuals who conduct pre-analytic, analytic, and post-analytic phases of testing to verify that they maintain competency to process specimens, perform test procedures, and report test results promptly and proficiently
- Whenever necessary, identify needs for remedial training or continuing education to improve skills
- Ensure on-site supervision by designated personnel for high complexity tests
PT Responsibilities:
- Ensure that the section is enrolled in an approved proficiency testing (PT) program
- Ensure that PT samples are tested in the same manner as patient samples
- Ensure that PT results are returned on time to the PT program
- Ensure that PT results are reviewed by the appropriate staff and the corrective action plan is followed when PT results are found to be unsatisfactory
QC and QA Responsibilities:
- Ensure that quality control and quality assessment programs are established and maintained to identify failures in quality as they occur
- Ensure the establishment and maintenance of acceptable levels of analytical performance for each test system
- Ensure that remedial actions are taken and documented whenever significant deviations from the laboratory’s established performance characteristics are identified, and patient test results are reported only when the system is functioning properly
- Participate in appropriate audit, surveys and inspections as apart of quality improvement
Consultations and Educations:
- Provide clinical advice with respect to choice of tests, use of services and interpretations of test results to Clinician
- Consult with clinicians in improving laboratory services and upgradation of facilities so as to support clinical decision making
- Participate in various committees of the hospitals in providing quality patient care
- Assessment of user’s need of laboratory services and steps in meeting them
- Participate in hospital’s training program
- Ensure continuous education and self-professional growth of staff
Resource and Operational Management:
- Participate in strategic planning, organizational goal setting, capital and operational budgeting research and development, marketing and vendor contracting as and when necessary
- Assessment of needs of personal and formulating hiring standards
- Actively undertake risk management including addressing complains, request and suggestions from Clinicians, laboratory Staff, and uses of laboratory services
- Design and implement contingency plan to ensure availability of laboratory services during emergency situations or other conditions when laboratory services are limited or unavailable
Infection Control Duties:
- Steer the “Hospital Infection Control and Hospital Antimicrobial Stewardship Program”
- Develop a manual of policies and procedures for infection control program
- Carry out targeted surveillance of HAIs, data analysis and undertake corrective and preventive actions
- Advise staff on all aspects of infection control so as to maintain a safe environment for patients, visitors and staff
- Oversee sterilization and disinfection procurement, uses and quality control of disinfectants
- Advise in clinical management of infections and supervision of isolation procedures
- Investigate outbreaks of infection and suggest measures for control and prevention
- Assist in formulation of biomedical waste management policy
- Provide relevant information on infection problems to senior management
- Assist/co-ordinate in training of all new employees on the importance of infection control and the relevant policies and procedures
- Audit infection control procedures and antimicrobial usage
- Monitor the program of Safety of Health – care workers from hospital acquired infections
Contact - Leena Wadhwani - HR - Mobile number given below
This is a walk-in to proceed further contact HR at the venue on date and time mentioned.
Please contact the HR on the mobile number mentioned below.
Company Description
Apollo Hospitals was established in 1983 by Dr. Prathap C Reddy, renowned as the architect of modern healthcare in India. As the nation’s first corporate hospital, Apollo Hospitals is acclaimed for pioneering the private healthcare revolution in the country.Apollo Hospitals has emerged as Asia’s foremost integrated healthcare services provider and has a robust presence across the healthcare ecosystem, including Hospitals, Pharmacies, Primary Care & Diagnostic Clinics and several retail health models. The Group also has Telemedicine facilities across several countries, Health Insurance Services, Global Projects Consultancy, Medical Colleges, Medvarsity for E-Learning, Colleges of Nursing and Hospital Management.