Assistant - Level- 5 - Roller Hearth Furnace Operator
4 years ago Public Service Hyderabad 832 views Reference: 4484Job Details
Selection Process:
1. Walk-in selection process will be carried out /Township, Hyderabad – 500058.
2. Interested candidates to reach the venue by
3. Only Indian nationals may apply and
4. Candidates should mandatorily bring all the original certificates and testimonials with one set of photocopies in support ofdate of birth, educational qualification, experiencerecent passport size photographs.
5. Candidates, who fulfill all the requisite parameters and
6. Appearance of the candidates for written test will not entitle them to claim for contract engagement for the aforesaidpost. Candidates will be debarred abeligibility criteria.
7. If the certificates verification / selection process
8. Subsequent to written test, trade test willshortlisted in the written exam. If theon the next day or on a later date.9. Medium of selection tests (written / trade test)
10. MIDHANI reserves the right to cancel the advertisement / the selection process / restrict or increase the number of posts /alter the eligibility criteria etc.
11. The cut-off date for all the requisite parameters is
12. The posts are on contract basis only and do not provide
13. Decision of MIDHANI Management regarding the selection will be final.shall be given only on our website.
14. TA/DA will not be paid for attending the selection process. Candidates are required to possess a valid emobile number for communication. MIDHANI will not be responsible for bouncing of e
15. Candidates should strictly follow all the COVID -19 safety precautions during the selection process.