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3 years ago   Medical & Healthcare   Gurgaon   399 views Reference: 10210
Job Details

Roles and Responsibilities

Brand Strategy, Market Data Research, Brand Management, Content Creation, Public Relations, Website Management, Digital Marketing, Social Media Advertising and Marketing, SEO Building, Promotional marketing and advertising, Proofreading, Concept development, Editing skills, Articulate communications, Peer-to-peer work, Marketing communications expertise, Marketing and advertising strategies, Interpersonal Communication, Corporate Networking and Negotiations.

Proficient in Microsoft Office, Wordpress, Social Media, Quark Express, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, In design, HIS, Basic HTML.

Contact - Rashmi - HR - Mobile number given below

This is a walk-in to proceed further contact HR at the venue on date and time mentioned.

Please contact the HR on the mobile number mentioned below.

Company Description
Columbia Asia has developed a unique model for hospitals. We deliver advanced medical care through facilities located in neighborhoods, rather than the central city. With sophisticated hospitals based in their communities, patients have dramatically improved access to quality affordable care.