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3 years ago   Training   Hyderabad   703 views Reference: 7395
Job Details

Employees State Insurance Corporation (MIDHANI) announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed Diploma for the position of Assistant.

To Apply for the job posting from MIDHANI, please click on the Apply Now button below.

No of Posts: 21

Selection Procedure:

Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview

How To Apply:

1. Walk-in selection process will be carried out / conducted on at Brahm Prakash DAV School, MIDHANI Township, Hyderabad – 500058

2. Interested candidates to reach the venue by 0730 hrs and candidates will not be allowed after 1100 hrs

3. Candidates should mandatorily bring all the original certificates and testimonials with one set of photocopies in support of date of birth, educational qualification, experience including ESI & EPF statements, category etc with 2 recent passport size photographs.

General Instructions

1. Appearance of the candidates for written test will not entitle them to claim for contract engagement for the aforesaid post. Candidates will be debarred ab-initio at any stage of the recruitment process in case they do not fulfill the essential eligibility criteria.

2. The upper age limit indicated above is for unreserved category. Age relaxation shall be applicable in accordance with the Govt. of India orders issued from time to time.

3. 10% relaxation in respect of eligible qualification marks subject to a minimum of 45% shall be given to SC/ST candidates.

4. If the certificates verification / selection process cannot be conducted on the same day, it will be conducted.

This is a walk-in to proceed further contact HR at the venue on date and time mentioned.

Company Description
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, is a specialized metals and metal alloys manufacturing facility in India, located in Hyderabad, Telangana. It is a Public Sector Undertaking, under the administrative control of Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Government of India.