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4 years ago   Public Service   Hyderabad   835 views Reference: 5754
Job Details

Walkin Interview in Hyderabad, Apply for MIDHANI Assistant job openings get 23,680 Salary monthlyMIDHANI Recruitment 2021-22: Employees State Insurance Corporation (MIDHANI) announced Job notification to hire candidates who completed ITI for the position of Assistant. To Apply for the job posting from MIDHANI, please click on the Apply Now button below.Company Name: MIDHANI

Post Name: Assistant

No of Posts: 8

Salary: 23,680 (Per Month )

Experience: 4 - 6 years

Education: ITI

Location: Hyderabad

Last Date:

Selection Procedure:

1. Subsequent to written test, trade test will also be conducted at a later date, to those candidates who are further shortlisted in the written exam. If the written test / trade test cannot be conducted on the same day, it will be conducted On the next day Or on a later date.

2. Medium Of selection tests (written / trade test) will be English Only.

How To Apply:

1. Walk-in selection process will be carried Out / conducted On 20th February, 2021 at Brahm Prakash DAV School, MIDHANI Township, Hyderabad — 500058

2. Interested candidates to reach the venue by 0730 hrs and candidates will not be allowed after 1100 hrs

3. Candidates should mandatorily bring all the original certificates and testimonials with One set Of photocopies in Support Of date of birth, educational qualification, experience including ESI & EPF statements (if applicable), Category etc with 2 recent passport size photographs.


1. Only Indian nationals may apply and age, qualification & experience stipulated above should be as on

2. Appearance of the candidates for written test will not entitle them to claim for contract engagement for the aforesaid post.

3. Candidates will be debarred ab-initio at any stage Of the recruitment process in case they do not fulfill the essential eligibility criteria. If the certificates verification / selection process cannot be...


Post Name & No. of Posts Assistant (Level-2) Electrician - 7(UR-2,EWS-1,OBC-2, SC-1,ST-1) SSC+ ITI(Electrician)+NAC Instrumentation - 1(UR-1) SSC+ ITI(Instrumentation)+NAC *Out of 8 posts, 2 posts reserved for ExPeriod of Engagement: Initially for 1 y requirements.

Other benefits suchas Ø

Selection Process:

1. Walk-in selection process will be MIDHANI Township,Hyderabad

2. Interested candidates to reach the venue by

3. Only Indian nationals may apply and

4. Candidates should mandatorily bring all the originalcertificates and testimonials with one set of photocopies in support of date ofbirth, educational qualification, experience category etc with 2 recentpassport size photographs.

5. Candidates, who fulfill all the requisite parameters and

6. Appearance of the candidates for written test will notentitl aforesaid post. Candidates will be debarred ab fulfill the essentialeligibility criteria.

7. If the certificates verification / selection proc nextday.

8. Subsequent to written test, further shortlisted in thewritten exam. will be conducted on the next day or on a later date.

9. Medium ofselection tests (written / trade test)

10. MIDHANI reservesthe right to cancel the advertisement / the selection process / restrict numberof posts / alter the eligibility criteria etc.

11. The cut-off date for all the requisite parameters is

12. The posts are on contract basis only and do not provideany claim for permanent absorption.

13. Decision of MIDHANI Manag advertisement shall be givenonly on our website.

14. TA/DA will not be paid for attending the selectionprocess. Candidates are required to possess a valid e and contact mobile numberfor communication. MIDHANI will not be responsible for bouncing of e thecandidates.

15. Candidates shouldstrictly follow all the CO Advt.No. MDN/HR/FTC/1/2021 Date: MISHRADHATU NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) (A Mini RatnaRegd.Office: P.O. Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad –



SSC+ITI(Electrician)+NAC SSC + ITI (Electrician) + NAC with minimum 4 yearsrelevant post qualification experience in Electrical Operations / Maintenancein Manufacturing / Construction / Engineering Industry.

SSC+ ITI(Instrumentation)+NAC SSC + ITI (Instrumentation) +NAC with minimum 4 years relevant post qualification experience inInstrumentation in Manufacturing / Assembling Industry.

*Out of 8 posts, 2posts reserved for Ex-Servicemen Initially for 1 yr and further extendable upto 3 yrs based on satisfactory performance and .

Other benefits suchas PF, ESI/Medical, etc will be as per rules will be carried out / conducted on20th February, 2021 at Township, Hyderabad – 500058.

ndidates to reach the venue by 0730 hrs and candidates will notbe allowed after 1

Only Indian nationals may apply and age, qualification &experience stipulated above should be as on Candidates should mandatorily bringall the original certificates and testimonials with one set of photocopies in date of birth, educational qualification,experience including ESI & EPF s with 2 recent passport size photographs.

Candidates, who fulfill all the requisite parameters andQRs, shall only be allowed to appear for written test. Appearance of thecandidates for written test will not entitle them to claim for contractengagement for the aforesaid post.

Candidates will bedebarred ab-initio at any stage of the recruitment process in case they do notfulfill the essential eligibility criteria.

If the certificates verification / selection process cannotbe conducted on the same Subsequent to written test, trade test will also beconducted at a later date, to those candidates who are further shortlisted inthe written exam. If the written test / trade test cannot be conducted on thesame day, it will be conducted on the next day or on a later date.

(written / tradetest) will be English only. MIDHANI reserves the right to cancel theadvertisement / the selection process / restric number of posts / alter theeligibility criteria etc. off date for all the requisite parameters is

The posts are on contract basis only and do not provide anyclaim for permanent absorption. Decision of MIDHANI Management regarding theselection will be final. Corrigendum if any, related to this advertisementshall be given only on our website. attending the selection process. Candidatesare required to possess a valid e and contact mobile number for communication.

MIDHANI will not be responsible for bouncing of e follow allthe COVID-19 safety precautions during the selection process.

1 MISHRA DHATU NIGAM LIMITED (A Government of IndiaEnterprise) (A Mini Ratna-I Company) – 500 058

SELECTION PROCESS Consolidated Pay (Per Month) Upper agelimit as on SSC + ITI (Electrician) + NAC with minimum 4 yearsrelevant post qualification experience in Electrical Operations / nManufacturing / Rs. 23,680/- 30 Years SSC + ITI (Instrumentation) + NAC withminimum 4 years relevant post qualification experience in Instrumentation inIndustry. yrs based on satisfactory performance and at Brahm Prakash DAVSchool, 0 hrs and candidates will not be allowed after 1100 hrs experiencestipulated above should be as on

Candidates should mandatorily bring all the originalcertificates and testimonials with one set of photocopies in including ESI& EPF statements (if applicable), shall only be allowed to appear forwritten test. e them to claim for contract engagement for the initio at anystage of the recruitment process in case they do not cannot be conducted on thesame day, it will be conducted on at a later date, to those candidates who arecannot be conducted on the same day, it MIDHANI reserves the right to cancelthe advertisement / the selection process / restrict or increase

The posts are on contract basis only and donot provide any claim for permanent absorption. Corrigendum if any, related tothis attending the selection process. Candidates are required to possess avalid e-mail ID and contact mobile number for communication.

MIDHANI will not beresponsible for bouncing of e-mail sent to selection process. General Manager(HR)

Company Description
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, is a specialized metals and metal alloys manufacturing facility in India, located in Hyderabad, Telangana. It is a Public Sector Undertaking, under the administrative control of Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Government of India.