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Accounts & Finance Manager

3 years ago   Banking   Navi Mumbai   604 views Reference: 8780
Job Details

* Qualification & Experience

1 Should be Graduate in Commerce from a recognized University with a Professional Degree in Accounts.

2 Experience: Minimum 5 Yrs of Article ship at CA Firm. Overall 10 years of relevant working experience in Accounts, Finance etc.is preferred.

* Role Description


1. Daily bank reco in excel to ensure actual balance in Hand & to issue cheques accordingly

2. Send mail to gm regarding Water meter reading if reading exceeds 500 units

3. Checking of Daily Task updated by Accounts Assistant


1. Creditor and debtors to check for Balances & any JV / Bill to book

2. Back up for Tally, Excel, Word every Saturday

3. Follow-up with module owners for non-receipt of O & M & Water charges to report in Saturday Meeting.

4. Report to Internal Auditor on Receivables etc.

5. Saturday weekly review meeting

6. Updates of accounting agenda & points discussed in meeting for future records.

7. PREPARATION OF DUES LIST - Outstanding amt to follow-up.


1. Preparing Monthly Billing Sheet for printing Monthly Invoice

2. Ensuring Bills reaches in time to module owners and mails to module owners for module closed

3. Monthly water meter reading - if any meter not working can be get repaired.

4. GSTR 1 Filling Before 10th of Every Month & GST Payment before 20th Of Every Month

5. TDS Calculation - TDS Pymt b4 7th of every month.

6. CIDCO Proforma Invoice for O & M Charges & By monthly water Charges

7. To file Nil Return of PF before every 15th - Follow up with PF consultant.

8. Checking of Parking charges received excel statement as per actual receipts prepared by Account Assistant to send monthly report to Chairman

9. Checking of Cheques, vouchers prepared by Accounts Assistant for monthly regular vendor payments

10. Preparing invoices of Cable laying and cable maintenance charges as per details receive from IT Department.

11. Preparing Income & Exp & Receipt & Payment statement : For comparison of Income & Exp & Calculation of Advance tax.


1. ETDS Return


1.Invoices to raise for annual Cable maintenance Charges, Tower Rent ( Available Vendors)

2. FD Interest Calculation

3. TDS Certificate to collect from O & M & Other parties and tally with form 26AS

4. Bank Balance confirmation from Banks

5. Cash to tally @ the end of year with denomination of cash / excel sheet

6. Handling Tax Audit & Providing all required documents & Working to Statuary Auditors

7. Details of Outstanding as on 31.03 for legal notices issued to Module owner for non-payment of Maintenance charges & Water Charges-certified by management

8. Debtors Aging - certified by management

9. Depreciation Calculation as per Co's Act 2013

10. To file nil return of PT.

As & when required

1. Guiding account assistant in preparing reports, balancing ledgers etc.

2. Taking signature of Director and Hon. Chairman Sir on cheques

3. Budget for the ambitious project.

Contact - Sonali A.B. - HR - Mobile number given below

This is a walk-in to proceed further contact HR at the venue on date and time mentioned.

Please contact the HR on the mobile number mentioned below.

Company Description
Tower No-5,Mezzanine Floor,Vashi Railway Station C, ommercial Complex Ltd,International Infotech Park,, Vashi, NAVI MUMBAI, Maharashtra, India