All institutions run by the Bharat Sevak Shiksha Samiti will always remain indebted to their founder Chairman, late Pt. Devi Shankarji Tiwari. He was a visionary who always thought ahead of his time and wanted to prepare the younger generation to meet the challenges of future. He aimed at keeping pace with the changes taking place on the scene, and no wonder he kept abreast of the developments in various fields. He was among the fortunate few who got opportunities to play a variety of roles in their lives. He started his career as a lawyer, and as President of the Praja Mandal he participated in the freedom struggle. As the then Education Minister, he was instrumental in starting the University of Rajasthan and S.M.S. Medical College. He worked as Chairman of the R.P.S.C. and U.I.T. In all modesty, he was one of the architects of Jaipur. Whatever he did bore testimony to his best.

1 Jobs Found

LBS College Of Pharmacy


1 year ago Walkin Date: 19-28th Jun 2023 Experience:  3-6 years   Hisar
Principal : M.Pharma5 years teaching experienceLecturer: B.Pharm3 years professional experiencew Please contact HR number mentioned below :