Prop Comrade Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 15 February 2021. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi. It is inolved in Real estate activities with own or leased property. This class includes buying, selling and operating of self-owned or leased real estate such as apartment building and dwellings, non-residential buildings, developing and subdividing real estate into lots etc. Also included are development and sale of land and cemetery lots, operating of apartment hotels and residential mobile home sites.

1 Jobs Found

Prop Comrade

Business Development Manager

2 years ago Walkin Date: 7-15th Feb 2023 Experience:  1-6 years   Greater Noida
Provide guidance and assist sellers and buyers in marketing and purchasing property for the right price under the best terms.Determine clients needs and financials abilities to pro...