RISE FINCONNECT PRIVATE LIMITED is a private limited company based in Bangalore, India and was incorporated on 13/01/2014. The company is duly registered at Registrar of Companies, Bangalore (RoC-Bangalore) and is classified as the Indian Non-Government Company. The corporate identification number (CIN) of the company is U74900KA2014PTC073033 and the company registration number is 073033. The authorized share capital of the company is INR 3,000,000 and its paid up capital is INR 100,000. RISE FINCONNECT PRIVATE LIMITED is a mca provider company with the industrial and NIC code of 74900 as per the official records.

1 Jobs Found

Rise Finconnect Private Limited

Financial Analyst - FPNA , 1 To 5 Years Fresher's can apply

2 years ago Walkin Date: 24th Jun 2022 Experience:  0-5 years   Mumbai
Roles and ResponsibilitiesSet up, publish and drive a budgeting calendar. Ensure that all stakeholders are brought onboard and a smooth review process is carried out.• Co-ordina...