QUIZ INDIA SOLUTIONS & SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is a Private Company, who was incorporated 8 Year(s) 3 Month(s) 12 Day(s) ago on dated 12-Dec-2013 . QUIZ INDIA SOLUTIONS & SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies located in ROC-DELHI. As regarding the financial status on the time of registration of QUIZ INDIA SOLUTIONS & SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED Company its authorized share capital is Rs. 100000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 100000.

1 Jobs Found


Sales Manager

2 years ago Walkin Date: 24-30th Mar 2022 Experience:  2-6 years   Greater Noida
Managing organizational sales by developing a business plan, sales & revenueTracking sales goals and reporting results as necessary.Coordinating with marketing on lead genera...