Market Research Future (MRFR) is a global market research company that takes pride in its services, offering a complete and accurate analysis with regard to diverse markets and consumers worldwide. MRFRs approach combines the proprietary information with various data sources to give an extensive understanding to the client about the latest key developments, expected events and also about what action to take based on these aspects.

2 Jobs Found

Market Research Future Reports

Strategic Growth Manager

3 years ago Walkin Date: 25th Dec 2021 Experience:  3-8 years   Pune
Roles and ResponsibilitiesAs the individual who represents us and drives the revenue pipeline, this person must be a self-starting closer who can create a large pipeline of busine...
Market Research Future Reports

Research Analyst - Market Research

3 years ago Walkin Date: 25th Dec 2021 Experience:  2-5 years   Pune
Roles and ResponsibilitiesConduct research using both systematic and intuitive secondary research techniques and industry-standard primary research methods.Function as a project m...