Singhal Power Presses
Singhal Power Presses, established in 1989, has emerged as India's leading power press manufacturer renowned for its high-growth trajectory, the company is committed to continuous upgradation and innovation, integrating customer feedback and technological advancements into their processes. At the heart of its success is a strong emphasis on maintaining positive employee relations and core values, ensuring a dynamic and supportive work environment. This approach has solidified SEW's position as a frontrunner in the power press manufacturing sector, with a reputation for quality and excellence.
1 Jobs Found
Singhal Power Presses
CNC Operator For HMC VMC and Turning Machines Fresher's can apply
11 months ago Walkin Date: 4-13th Jan 2024 Experience: 0-5 years Rajkot For Heavy Machine Shop Unit at BhunavaCNC OPERATOR - 10HMC/VMC OPERATOR - 15ITI-MACHINIST - 01Freshers Can Also ApplyTransportation & Canteen Facility AvailableCandidates...