About Company:We - Maahi Milk Producer Company Limited is a Producer Company incorporated under the provisions of Part-IXA of the Companies Act, 1956 (Now Chapter XXI-A of the Companies Act. 2013) on June 7, 2012 in the State of Gujarat. The main objects of the Company is to undertake the business of pooling, purchasing, processing of milk and milk products primarily of the Members and also of others, marketing of the same and to deal in activities that are part of or incidental to any activity related thereto. The Company has commenced its commercial operations from 18th March 2013. At the time of commencement of operations, milk procurement of the Company spread to the districts of Saurashtra and Kutch region of Gujarat covering 1,912 villages and 2,142 MPPs (Milk Pooling Points). At that time total 85,194 milk producers were associated as members.Presently, Company is procuring milk from 2408 Milk Pooling Points spreading its presence in 2182 villages of 11 districts of Saurashtra and Kutch (i.e., Junagadh, Gir Somnath, Amreli, Botad, Bhavnagar, Surendranagar, Morbi, Jamnagar, Dev Bhumi Dwarka, Kutch and Porbandar) and selling its product through more than 1200 distributors, 20000 retailers reaching more than 5 lacs consumers by robust transporataion network

1 Jobs Found

Maahi Milk Producer Company

Brand Marketing Manager

1 year ago Walkin Date: 6-8th Oct 2023 Experience:  6-9 years   Indore
This position will be responsible to Plan, direct, coordinate and drive marketing policies, programs & activities of the entire company which includes ATL activities, BTL activ...